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Sorry, we are unable to provide a valuation for this address as it may be registered as a business address. A member of our Valuations Team may be able to provide more information. Book a Valuation to start the process.

Your sales valuation
{{ min_price }}
{{ average_price }}
{{ max_price }}
Lower estimation Best estimation Higher estimation
Your lettings valuation
{{ min_price_l }}
{{ average_price_l }}
{{ max_price_l }}
Lower estimation Best estimation Higher estimation

This instant value is based on local data and recently sold house prices in your area, . This is an estimate as we are unable to take the condition of your property and any improvements you may have made into consideration.

To get an accurate valuation based on a viewing of your property book an expert valuation now.

Thank you for requesting a valuation

We will be in touch shortly to confirm your appointment. 

If you haven't had confirmation of this booking 24 hours prior to the appointment please contact the local branch.

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Looking to Buy

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Contact our property management team

Get in touch with us to discuss your property needs with an expert

Looking to sell

Why sell with us?

Contact our property management team

Get in touch to discuss your property needs

Are you looking for a mortgage?

Book a free no obligation appointment

Please select up to 3 slots for your availability

Once you have made your selection the branch will be in touch to confirm a time with you. All appointments are subject to confirmation.

Reasons to let with Davis Tate

Professional photography

We offer a mix of professional photography and floor plans to make your home stand out for sale.

What happens at the valuation?

Looking round your property

Our valuation manager will visit your property to carry out a detailed viewing. They will consider both the interior and exterior, taking into account key factors such as location, garden size, and the property's orientation. You’ll also have the opportunity to highlight any features that could enhance its rental appeal and value.

Valuation manager with a couple
Getting your property valuation

Our valuation manager will assess your property’s rental value and provide you with an informed estimate. They will also share insights on similar properties currently available to rent and recently let in your area for comparison.

Valuation manager
Using an award winning agent

We will guide you through all the benefits of letting your property with Davis Tate. We will talk you through our property marketing options, which include professional photography and 3D property tours. We will let you know how we'll market your property through emails and calls to our extensive database of potential tenants, as well as listings on leading property portals, our website, and social media channels.

Couple with a valuer
Discuss the next steps

Our valuation manager will talk you through the next stages, including the ideal time to list your property, the recommended rental price, and our fees. They will provide you with all the details to review at your convenience. Once you’re ready to move forward, they can begin the process of finding a tenant for you. 

Valuation manager shaking hands with property owners

Frequently asked questions

Is there a cost for a lettings valuation?

At Frost's, our sales and lettings valuations are offered free of charge. We do charge for our Tenant Find service, but this is paid only once your property is let so you can be sure we're working hard to find a suitable tenant for your property throughout the process. Visit our Landlord Services page to find more about fees and charges.

What is a lettings valuer looking at when valuing my property?

During a lettings valuation, your valuation manager will be looking at any factors which may influence the rental value of your property. This includes location, number of rooms (including bedrooms and bathrooms), and any outdoor spaces.

They will also be looking at the external and internal presentation of the property. If you have any other features such as underfloor heating, energy recovery schemes, additional land or parking options which you think may enhance the value of the property and its appeal to renters, you can also share that with the valuation manager at the valuation.

I'm not sure if I want to sell or let my property. Can you help me decide?

Our expert valuers can conduct sales valuations and rental valuations. If you are unsure whether or not to let your property, they can value your property for both the sales and lettings market and give you all the information you need to decide what's right for you.

What happens after I request a lettings valuation?

Once you complete the form above to book a lettings valuation, your local Frost's branch valuation manager will attempt to reach you using the contact details you have provided. We aim to contact you within 24 hours of submitting the form to confirm a time suitable for the valuation.

Man with a cat
River running through Reading
Happy family in the sun
Friendly lady